Liszt Diary — Ching-Yun Hu Piano Concert

Performed by:Piano: Ching-Yun Hu
Hosted by:Shenzhen Concert Hall
Time:2025-06-06 ( Friday) 19:30
Address:Theatre Studio, Shenzhen Concert Hall
Price(RMB):380(VIP)/280/180/80 (*Some seats in the two lowest price categories have obstructed views; please purchase with caution).
Warm Prompt:
- Admission only for children over 1.2 meters or six years old with tickets. Each person should have one ticket. Tickets sold cannot be exchanged or money refunded. Please keep tickets safe, as lost tickets cannot be replaced.
- Please go to the Shenzhen Concert Hall Box Office or scan the Shenzhen Concert Hall’s Wechat mini-program to buy tickets.
- Address: 2016, Fuzhong 1st Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
- Business Hours: 9:00 – 18:30 Daily, 9:00 – the end of performance on Performance Day.
- Performance Introduction

Scan to buy tickets
Piano: Ching-Yun Hu
Liszt: Les jeux d'eau à la Villa d'Este, from Années de pèlerinage - Troisième année
Liszt: Five Lieder Transcriptions
Ständchen von Shakespeare (Schubert)
Auf dem Wasser zu Singen (Schubert)
Ave Maria (Schubert)
Erlkönig (Schubert)
Widmung (R. Schumann)
Liszt: Three Concert Études, Il lament/ La leggierrezza/ Un sospiro
Liszt: Rhapsodie espagnole
(Please check program updates at the concert.)